Easiest ways
to fail are :
1 - Mark your goal in life is to rest and relax.
2 - Love your bed is the only kingdom.
3 - rested during the day to be able to sleep easily at night.
4 - something sacred, so never approaching him.
5 - Do not postpone your business for tomorrow as long as you can postpone the day after tomorrow.
6 - Make the least you can do, and try to make someone else lead your business instead of you.
7 - Do not worry one is going to die if you do not do something contrary, it may hurt some people when it works.
8 - If you feel that you have a desire to work, relax a little bit until that desire disappear.
9 - Do not forget the work is good for health, so always leave it to the patient
1 - Mark your goal in life is to rest and relax.
2 - Love your bed is the only kingdom.
3 - rested during the day to be able to sleep easily at night.
4 - something sacred, so never approaching him.
5 - Do not postpone your business for tomorrow as long as you can postpone the day after tomorrow.
6 - Make the least you can do, and try to make someone else lead your business instead of you.
7 - Do not worry one is going to die if you do not do something contrary, it may hurt some people when it works.
8 - If you feel that you have a desire to work, relax a little bit until that desire disappear.
9 - Do not forget the work is good for health, so always leave it to the patient
اسهل الطرق
1- اجعل هدفك في الحياة هو الراحة والاسترخاء .
2- حب سريرك فهو مملكتك الوحيدة.
3- ارتاح بالنهار لتتمكن من النوم بسهولة في الليل.
4- العمل شيء مقدس، لذلك لا تقترب منه أبداً .
5- لا تؤجل عملك للغد طالما يمكنك تأجيله لبعد الغد.
6- اعمل أقل ما يمكنك عمله، وحاول أن تجعل غيرك يؤدي عملك بدلاً منك.
7- لا تقلق لن يموت أحد إذا لم تفعل شيئاً، بالعكس قد يتأذى البعض عندما تعمل.
8- إذا أحسست بأن لديك رغبة في العمل، استرخي قليلاً حتى تزول تلك الرغبة.
9- لا تنسى العمل مفيد للصحة،
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